
Biochemistry lab

Academic and scientific affairs are the most fundamental aspects of the Spinghar Institute of Higher Education (SIHE).

In order to deliver high-standard education and meet the rules and principles of the Ministry of Higher Education, SIHE has established eleven well-equipped, modern, and contemporary laboratories, where all the students of three faculties (Curative Medicine, Stomatology and Medical Technology) can take their practical sessions.

One of the above-mentioned laboratories is the Biochemistry Lab, where students can carry out the following activities:

Ø Estimation of Reducing Sugar

Ø Estimation of Non-Reducing Sugar

Ø Estimation of Reducing Sugar by Titration Method

Ø Estimation of Reducing Sugar by Nelson-“oŵogLJi͛s Method

Ø Estimation of Reducing Sugar by Dinitro Salicylic Method

Ø Estimation of Total Sugar

Ø Estimation of lipid profile

Ø Estimation of LFTs(Liver function Test)

Ø Estimation of KFTs(Kidney function Test)

Ø Estimation of TFT(T3,T4,TSH)

Ø Estimation of Vit D3

Ø Estimation of SBR(Serum Billirubine Test(Total ,Direct Indirect  )

Ø Estimation of Starch by Anthrone Reagent

Ø Determination of Amylases