Types of Scholarships

Types of Scholarships

Students are one of the most vital components of an academic institute. Without students, an educational institute cannot function or exist. A strong and enduring relationship develops between the institute and its students, establishing specific rights and obligations for both parties. This relationship is fundamental to the educational experience, as students are expected to engage actively in their learning and uphold academic integrity. Similarly, the institute has a duty to provide a supportive environment that fosters personal and academic growth. Ultimately, this mutual commitment enhances the educational journey and contributes to the overall success of the institute.


Students are obligated to pay a monthly fee to the SIHE as part of their commitment to their education. At the end of each semester the final exam determines the top-performing students in the class, with awards given for first, second, and third positions. This competitive assessment not only recognizes academic achievement but also fosters a spirit of excellence among students. It is important to note that facilitating these exams and awarding recognition is one of the essential responsibilities of the SIHE, helping to motivate students and enhance their learning experience.


Spinghar Institute of Higher Education (Nangarhar) has implemented a policy of scholarships and discounts to enhance and recognize the capabilities of its students, as well as to reward those who excel academically. Through this initiative, the institute aims to provide both material and financial appreciation to students in the following areas:


· Scholarships for the first, second, and third positions holders at the faculty level for each semester.

· Scholarships for final (last) semester students, and discounts those during their house job period.

· Awarding a gold medal to the student with the highest marks in the exit exam.

· Appreciation for the student with the highest score in the specialized exam.

· Appreciation for students who passed in the international medical examinations.

· Scholarships provided to candidates based on specific agreements or MOUs.

· Scholarships for the candidates who did not pass the entrance examination.

· Scholarships offered to the entry test candidates of high percentage of high school (as per SIHE decisions.)

· Scholarships for graduates of semi-medical institutes in faculty of Medical Laboratory Technology and Faculty of Medicine in Dentistry.

· Scholarships in the faculty of Medical Laboratory Technology and Faculty of Medicine in Dentistry for those candidates, graduated from semi-medical institute who have at least three year approved experience in relevant fields.