Rejoin Students Guidelines

Rejoin Students Guidelines

The institute has clear instructions and procedures in its regulations, as prescribed by the Ministry of Higher Education, for handling various reasons where students are repeat of the semester, such as:

1.    Students who are deprived of a semester due to lack of attendance.

2.    Students who are absent from their studies.

3.    Students who are repeating a semester due to failure in subjects.

4.    Students who have been excluded from the academic period.

5.    Students who have taken freeze (Tajil) for the semester during studies.

The regulations outline the specific instructions and processes to be followed for each of these cases to ensure the students can continue their studies. Students should familiarize themselves with these instructions and procedures to understand the necessary steps they need to take in such situations.


Re-Enrollment of Semester Repeat Students (Deprived, Failed, Absent)

 If, during their studies, students are repeated in a semester due to the factors mentioned above, and they have not yet completed the prescribed period for their studies according to undergraduate education regulations and the institute may allow the re-enrollment of the student. To re-enroll in the same class, students must adhere to the following guidelines:


1.    Students should receive the re-enrollment form from the course coordinator of the relevant faculty.

2.    They accurately fill based on the repeat semester information and submit it to the secretary office of the chancellor.

3.    The chancellor of SIHE refers the form to the Vice Chancellor Student affairs office for further processing.

4.    The Vice Chancellor Student affairs forward the request to the relevant faculty.

5.    The dean of faculty refers the case to the course coordinator to review the student's educational records.

6.    The course Coordintor provides information regarding the student's repeat status and re-enrollment in the relevant faculty.

7.    The dean of faculty reviews the case and decides whether to approve or reject the request.

8.    In case of approval, form refers to finance department for the settlement and clearance of regular and irregular fee.

9.    After the fee settlement and clearance, the student is introduced to the relevant class by the course coordinator.

10.The personal file of the student is transferred to the new batch by the enrollment officer.

If the student has taken semester freeze (Tajil) and the period has been completed and he wants to continue his studies, the re-enrollment process is done according to the above order.


Re-enrollment of Excluded Students (Deprived, Failed, Absent, Freeze)

If a student is excluded from the academic period (Munfaq) due to the factors mentioned above, in accordance with the laws and guidelines of the Ministry of Higher Education. For the re-enroll in the repeated semester or continue its higher education student should follow the following step by step process.

1.    The student submits an application to the Ministry of Higher Education for the continuity of its studies.

2.    The Ministry of Higher Education processes the application and refers it to the institute for further information.

3.    The chancellor of institute refers the application to the vice chancellor student affairs for further actions.

4.    The vice chancellor student affairs forward the application to the relevant faculty for the review of academic records.

5.    The dean of faculty refers to the course coordinator regarding the review and continuity of the studies.

6.    The course coordinator provides detailed information about the student's enrollment history, passed semesters, reasons for exclusion, the legal basis for the application and re-enrollment of the student.

7.    The compiled information is approved by the dean of faculty, vice chancellor student affairs and the chancellor of the institute and then sends to the Ministry of Higher Education for further guidance.

8.    The relevant commission at the Ministry of Higher Education makes a decision regarding the student's application for re-enrollment.

9.    The decision regarding re-enrollment is communicated to the institute through an official letter.

10.The institute implements the re-enrollment process according to established process, and the student is subsequently introduced to their class.

In the case of student excluded (Munfaq), students who have been excluded based on disciplinary action cannot cancel or clear their exclusion.