Stomatology Department

The Stomatology Department at the Faculty of Medical in Dentistry, Spinghar Institute of Higher Education, is a graduate-level department with a certified academic curriculum from MoHE and with a clear vision and mission. The department commenced its activities with the establishment of the Faculty on 15th of Hamal, 1390 (March 2011). To date, the department has graduated (167) number of students at the bachelor's level for serving the community, providing them with the skills and knowledge necessary to serve the public. Currently, the department has (378) active students whose academic programs are led by a team of professional and experienced faculty members.

This department, in line with its vision, mission, and educational objectives, aims to develop highly skilled professionals who meet the community's health needs through both theoretical and practical education, as well as academic research.

the Stomatology Department seeks to produce highly qualified dental professionals who are capable of addressing the oral health needs of the community, while simultaneously advancing the field through research, high-quality teaching, and practical training.