Internship Opportunities

Spinghar Institute of Higher Education (Nangarhar) is committed not only to teaching and research but also to active engagement with society. In response to the evolving demands of contemporary education, the institute has established a range of systems to foster collaboration with both internal and external stakeholders. This initiative aims to create a supportive educational environment for current students, graduates and community members.

To facilitate practical education, SIHE offers comprehensive resources and support for students who wish to pursue further training in administrative and academic fields after graduation. This includes opportunities for current students and graduates, as well as graduates students from other educational institutions seeking to enhance their skills. The institute actively announces internship opportunities across various disciplines, ensuring that participants gain valuable experience and knowledge applicable to their future careers. By prioritizing practical training, SIHE aims to equip students with the competencies necessary for success in their respective fields, ultimately contributing to the development of a skilled workforce that meets the needs of society.

You can find complete information about the SHIE’s announced internship opportunities in the section below.

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