Extra-Curricular Events

Academic Seminar Held on Infertility!


The Faculty of General Medicine at Spinghar Institute of Higher Education (Nangarhar) conducted a one-day academic seminar on Infertility.

The seminar, presented earlier today in the institute’s conference hall by Dr. Sher Mohammad Zaki, a faculty member of the Department of Therapeutic Medicine, was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean, faculty members, administrative staff and students from the Faculty of General Medicine.

Opening Remarks

During the opening speech, Dr. Mohammad Javid Haziq, Dean of the Faculty of General Medicine, expressed his satisfaction with the initiation and continuation of academic and informational seminars by faculty members. He emphasized the significant role of such events in enhancing students’ academic and professional capacities. Additionally, he shared statistical insights based on recent findings from the World Health Organization (WHO) and other international medical organizations regarding infertility.

Seminar Topics

Dr. Sher Mohammad Zaki provided comprehensive academic insights on key topics related to infertility, including:

Definition of Infertility
Types of Infertility
Causes of Infertility in Males and Females
Control and Treatment of Infertility

The session also included an interactive Q & A segment, where participants' queries were addressed in a highly professional and scientific manner.

Closing Remarks

Towards the end of the seminar, Dr. Ibadullah Kamwal, Head of the Cultural Affairs Sub-committee and faculty member of the Department of Therapeutic Medicine, shared positive feedback on the session. He encouraged faculty members to continue organizing such academic events and urged students to actively participate and even lead similar scientific and informational seminars.

Commitment to Academic Excellence

It is worth mentioning that faculty members of Spinghar Institute of Higher Education’s three faculties—General Medicine, Dentistry and Medical Laboratory Technology—regularly conduct seminars, workshops and training programs as part of their academic and informational seminar action plan. These initiatives aim to enhance participants' professional skills and promote active engagement in extracurricular academic activities.