Extra-Curricular Events

Certificates Awarded to Participants of EPHS, BPHS, and HMIS Training!


The Professional Development and Foreign Languages Department (PDC) of Spinghar Institute of Higher Education (Nangarhar), in coordination with the institute's Employment and Career Counseling Department, awarded certificates to the participants of a academic training program on the Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS), the Essential Package of Hospital Services (EPHS) and the Health Management Information System (HMIS).

This one-week training was specifically designed for the current students and graduates of the institute’s three faculties and was delivered by Dr. Ghulam Nabi Kakar, a specialist and professor at the Faculty of General Medicine. Along with theoretical lessons, the participants received hands-on training on EPHS, BPHS and HMIS, making it a comprehensive short-term educational program.

During the certificate distribution ceremony, the institute's Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Mr.Fazal Rahman Ziarmal, welcomed the participants and highlighted the importance and necessity of such training programs. He expressed gratitude to all involved in organizing the program and shared his positive insights about the training. Additionally, he encouraged students to actively participate in similar training sessions, capacity-building programs, and workshops in addition to academic and informational seminars.

It is worth mentioning that the participants expressed their satisfaction with the training and the opportunity to receive certificates. They extended special thanks to the instructor and emphasized the need for the continuation of such programs.