Alumni Testimonials

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Specialist Dr. Fahad Walizadah

Faculty of Medicine


Dr. Fahad Walizadah, son of Haji Khairzaman, was born in 1986 (1365 Hijri Shamsi) in Zawi village, Khogyani district, Nangarhar province. He completed his high school education at Nangarhar High School in 2007 (1386), In 2011 (1390), he successfully passed the university entrance exam (Kankor) and was admitted to the Faculty of General Medicine, Therapeutic Department, at Spinghar Institute of Higher Education, He graduated from the mentioned department in 2016 (1395 H.S.). In 2017 (1396 H.S.), Dr. Walizadah completed his house job at Nangarhar Public Health Hospital. Following in the year 2018 (1397 H.S.), he passed the specialization entrance exam and was appointed as a pediatric internal medicine trainee specialist at Nangarhar Regional Specialized Hospital. He successfully completed his specialization in 2020 (1399 H.S.). After graduation, Dr. Walizadah worked for nearly two years as a pediatric internal medicine specialist in the Nephrology Ward of the National Nishtar Kidney Hospital in Nangarhar province. Currently, he serves as the Director of Bibi Fatima Al-Zahra Provincial Hospital.