Alumni Testimonials

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Dr. Abdul Mutalib Shinwari

Faculty of Medicine


Dr. Abdul Mutalib Shinwari was born on September 27, 1993, in Abdul Khel village, Achin district, Nangarhar province. He completed his high school education at Kahi High School in 2012 and graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine, Therapeutic Department, at Spinghar Institute of Higher Education in 2019. In 2022, Dr. Shinwari was accepted into the Master’s Program in Public Health at Kabul University of Medical Sciences, from which he graduated in 2024. After completed his medical studies, he began his academic career as a faculty member in the Microbiology subject of the Para-clinic Department at the Faculty of General Medicine, Spinghar Institute of Higher Education. He also briefly served as the acting head of this department. In November 2021, upon the recommendation of the Ministry of Higher Education and with the approval of the Prime Minister’s Office, he was appointed as the Director of the Institute of Cardiothoracic Diseases. Under his leadership, open-heart surgery services were introduced at the institute for the first time. In September 2022 (Sunbula 1401), based on the proposal of the Ministry of Higher Education and with the approval of the Prime Minister’s Office, he was appointed as the Director of Ali Abad Teaching Hospital, the country’s largest and most historic hospital. He continues to serve in this position to date.