Strategic Goals

Strategic Goals


Hospital Strategic Goals (2024 – 2028)

Spinghar Momand 50-Bed Teaching and Therapeutic Hospital is the teaching hospital of Spinghar Institute of Higher Education (Nangarhar), is committed to long-term planning to ensure effective and efficient implementation of essential tasks for the hospital's sustainability. In this context, the hospital has developed a strategic plan for the years (2024-2028), aligning its goals with the five-year strategic goals of the SIHE, which are in accordance with the guidelines set by the Ministry of Higher Education. This strategic plan was formulated after a comprehensive analysis of both the internal and external environments and has received official approval from both the hospital's administrative council and the academic council of the SIHE. This collaborative effort aims to enhance the hospital's operational efficiency and educational quality, ensuring it meets the healthcare needs of the community effectively.


The strategic plan is crucial for the growth and development of the Spinghar Momand Hospital, particularly in the areas of academic research, health, practical teaching and administrative affairs. This plan has been organized and finalized around five major areas: research, financial resources, information technology, corporate social responsibilities and international activities. Each area is structured in accordance with the relevant indicators and requirements outlined in the guidelines and standards set by the Ministry of Higher Education. The five-year goals of the strategic plan are interconnected, ensuring that each objective supports the others. Development activities have been strategically planned and budgeted for each year, focusing on these key areas to facilitate progress and achievement. This comprehensive approach aims to enhance the hospital's overall effectiveness and ensure it meets the evolving needs of the community it serves.


The hospital's leadership, lecturers, medical specialist and administrative staff are dedicated to achieving the outlined goals and activities, with the aim of fulfilling the hospital's vision and mission through the attainment of its strategic objectives. These five-year strategic goals are designed to guide the hospital's efforts and ensure that it effectively meets the needs of the community while enhancing its overall performance. The commitment of all stakeholders to these goals is vital for the successful implementation of the strategic plan and for driving the hospital’s growth and development in the coming years.


Five Year Strategic Goals of Hospital (2024-2028) 

1.  Implement standards set by the Ministry of Public Health (MRS).

2.  Adhere to quality assurance and accreditation standards established by the Ministry of Higher Education.

3.  Undertake physical development and rehabilitation of the hospital facilities.

4.  Apply standards designated for accredited teaching hospital.

5.  Acquire, utilize and maintain advanced medical equipment.

6.  Provide high-quality diagnostic and therapeutic services.

7.  Enhance the capacity of medical and administrative personnel.

8.  Fully implement the Health Management Information System (HMIS) in relevant areas of the hospital.

9.  Deliver quality practical higher education for students.

10. Increase revenue while controlling unnecessary expenses.

11. Establish new wards and departments based on the needs of the health sector and community.

12. Appoint specialists and experienced physicians.

13. Encourage the writing of academic article by medical teaching staff.

14. Promote and implement an effective administrative system within the hospital.

15. Conduct internal monitoring and evaluation of all hospital operations.

16. Build and maintain infrastructure to support quality health services.


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