The Faculty of Medicine has made significant strides in its academic, administrative and institutional activities, which have been crucial for its growth and quality assurance. Key achievements include the launch of the General Medicine program, the approval of the faculty’s mission and vision and the approval of the five-year strategic plan. Additionally, the faculty has made progress in its accreditation process, finalized the academic staff and presented several research papers. Over 25 policies and procedures have been developed or revised to align with the Ministry of Higher Education's regulations. The faculty also implemented a transparent competitive process for the recruitment of qualified staff.
These mentioned and more other achievements, reflect the faculty’s continuous commitment to academic excellence and institutional development.
Major Achievements:
1. Launch of the General Medicine program
2. Approval of the faculty's mission and vision, with visible placement in key areas
3. Approval of the five-year strategic plan by the Academic Council
4. Completion of the second phase of accreditation
5. Approval of the updated mission and vision of the Faculty of Medicine
6. Near completion of the appointment process for five new academic staff members
7. Presentation of 11 academic and research papers at Nangarhar University’s Global Climate Change Conference
8. Development or revision of over 25 policies and procedures in compliance with the Ministry of Higher Education’s regulations
9. Transparent recruitment process for teaching and administrative positions
10. Promotion of official email communication for administrative correspondence
11. Improvement in the implementation of official decisions through a structured format
12. Appointment of a vice-dean in line with the institution's organizational structure
13. Initiation of programs to prepare graduates for English proficiency exams (DEL and Exit)
14. Delivery of key professional development programs (curriculum, OBE-SCL and research) for faculty members
15. Conducting seminars and workshops on quality assurance and accreditation frameworks
16. Standardization of planning and reporting procedures
17. Development of comprehensive guidelines for clinical and laboratory practical work
18. Graduation of the first cohort of the General Medicine program
19. Graduation of 22 cohorts from the General Medicine program to date
20. Issuance of the Faculty of Medicine’s operating license
21. Relocation to a new building